In a nutshell: Little Beach is where you go on Maui if you want to get nude with a bunch of other people on a beautiful beach.
Minuses: It gets crowded and it is on a lot of visitor’s bucket lists.
Sound-bite: “oowwwww…I forgot to apply sunscreen…”

Little Beach from the end of the trail (Sorry, can’t go further with the camera – you’ll have to see for yourself!)
The draw for most visitors here is nudity. While public nudity is technically illegal in Hawaii, it has been generally accepted that this is a nude beach, and the law is not enforced here.
There is also a drum-circle and fire dancing on Sunday afternoons into the evening.
There is also decent boogie-boarding and surfing from this beach.
Helicopter view of Makena State Park (Little & Big Beach):
Access to Little Beach is from Big Beach. Park at the first Big beach lot, and walk to the North (right) end of the beach. There is a trail over the rocky outcrop of an old lava flow.
Video: Ocean Kayak POV
Key Info:
Location: Walk from Big Beach Lot 1 on Makena Alanui Rd., (4 Mi S of Grand Wailea Resort)
GPS Coordinates: 20.634873,-156.451921
Facilities: (At Big Beach) Bathrooms, lifeguards, picnic tables, parking is $5 for non residents.
Get directions
View Makena Little Beach in a larger map
Kae says:
I haven’t been to little beach since 1991 but I remember it fondly. Glad to read that it’s still alive and thriving. I felt very safe there. I was on vacation by myself. I was a 36 year-old female celebrating my birthday. All very tasteful, there were families there, and I felt quite safe beautiful beautiful spot. No one was being harassed.
if I ever get back to Maui,, that’s going to be my first stop.
Tony says:
Just went to Little Beach two days ago. Pretty much described by others.
Some in swimsuits, some women topless and other people totally nude.
Nothing sexual going on just people enjoying the beautiful beach and ocean.
It was a Friday so we figured it was a little calmer than the weekend and was exactly what we hoped for.
I the male am comfortable naked so my clothes were off the minute we were set up. Spouse kept her bikini on for at least 2 hours but then got brave and took her top off.
Realized it didn’t kill her to be at least topless and stated afterwards it was really nice and way better than she thought.
We are going back Monday if it fits the schedule.
For anyone concerned about age, body shape, ethnicity or sexual preferences don’t worry they were all represented.
Even what appeared to be a family.
If you have never experienced a nude beach this place is awesome.
It is tricky footing getting up and down the trail so as others said don’t pack too much stuff as you will need your hands to be free just in case you slip
I did notice a guy walking around like he didn’t fit the scene and was probably from the park staff or authorities checking to see what the behavior was at the beach but it’s just my guess.
I also noticed a large tour like boat went by with lots of people so they must use it as their normal sightseeing cruise but was far enough out it didn’t bother anyone.
People did use their phones for personal pictures it appeared and for reading but nobody I saw was taking pictures of people not in their own group.
Go and enjoy I highly recommend it.
Amalia says:
I remember when I was 21,me and my schoolmates were not allowed to go to the other side of the beach and we didnt understand why,so we had to sneak away and climb the little hill to to see why,when we got there and we saw these people all nude,jogging playing and etc,that’s when we realize that we were gonna be in big trouble,smh
Tim says:
My favorite part is that you were 21 and not allowed to go to the nude beach. Ha.
Chris says:
Jan 2023 little beach is alive and thriving. The path is a little bit challenging so wear good shoes and pack lightly.
Amalia says:
Aloha maui
Brent says:
Spent the past week in Wailea and went to Little Beach twice with my GF. The beach is everything said above – wonderful water and waves for surfing and/or body surfing boogie boarding. Also the beach is fairly deep from the ocean to the wooded area so there is much room to lay out and get comfortable. As I suspect with many nude beaches you’ll find both straight and gay couples enjoying being in nature. What is not so great are the single men, many of whom were much older that seemed to be there either to get their thrills observing or worse. Several had C*** rings on walking around and one in particular was openly masturbating in his chair in order to keep his junk at his desired size/thickness before getting up to walk around. And yet another would intrusively come very close to couples with his camera and appeared to be either recording or taking pictures. So just be mindful of that if you go. Other than that, the beach is a wonderful experience my GF and I had with many others who were very respectful and decent.
Ronnie says:
I’m fixin to go to Hawaii for the first time I love to sunbath nude is this a good place to meet cute gay guys?
Ruthanne says:
Loved Little Beach! It was a windy day and playing in the waves was so fun!! Lots of people naked….some were not; didn’t matter. Everyone there just enjoying the warm water and sunshine. My husband and I preferred to lose our suits while we were in the water instead of on the beach. Whatever works. Just relax and enjoy!
Gary Stutsman says:
Glad to hear you enjoyed Little Beach. I’ve not been there yet. Tell me, if you can: Did the beach get its name because of the apparent size of the beach? It appears at places to be less than 15 feet wide. Or did the photos I saw get taken when surf was in? Just curious. Thank you!
Mark says:
That photo is accurate as to how the beach looks at most times. I have always been under the impression that the name comes from the contrast to its big neighbor, nicknamed “Big Beach.”
Ken says:
No, it is not 15 feet wide at places! It’s a normal beach, 100-200 feet from ocean to woods, several hundred yards long. It’s a great stretch of beach, thought difficult to get to if you’re not used to walking or can’t climb. The lava “gate” is now a tough little climb up and down.
Brian says:
Kahului airport then drive to kihei town follow kihei road to the big beach. You will find it to your right over the hill, fallow the people you will see the trail over the old lava flow tip it will lead you to little beach.
KKM says:
Great place to strip down, feel the sun hit every part of your body and enjoy playing in the ocean waves without worrying about clothing. I love this place!!
Paula says:
Hello I am from NYC… My fiance and I were looking for a nude beach in the US. I will love to go to Little beach for our honeymoon. What airport should we fly to… It’s a hotel close to this beach? I will really appreciated your help and guide.
Wayne says:
The only commercial airport on Maui is Kahului. The nearest hotel is probably Grand Wailea, but there are dozens within 5 miles.
Rick says:
We’ve traveled the world and Lil Beach is the BEST!
Richard says:
Despite what this website says non-lewd nudity is LEGAL at NON-state parks in Hawaii. The boundary line between Makena State Park and Little Beach is between the two. Big Beach inside the state park: nudity illegal. Little Beach: nudity legal. 2 UNANIMOUS Hawaii state supreme court cases on Sept. 29, 2000, HI v. Milford and HI v. Kalama, settled this issue. Topfree for females is legal at NON state park beaches.
Kitty says:
Despite what you say, exposing genitals or anus in public is illegal in Hawaii. Thongs are legal, jockstraps aren’t (don’t cover anus). All beaches in Hawaii are public. However, if the enforcement means the patrol rangers ask you to cover up, then no harm, no foul. Nudity may be construed as legal at any beach if nobody else is affronted by the nudity (Kalama case). If some religious nutcase prude at Little Beach calls the cops, they might eventually show up and ask people to put their pants on.
pamela says:
I lived on Makena for a year when I was very young (about 46 years ago). There were several of us scattered in the Kiave forest (wear good flipflops even thought you’re naked!!). I lived in the cave at the west end of Big Beach, which really only meant I had a small place of privacy from time to time. The local police would hide in the forest and occasionally raid the beach. I was caught once and taken to jail. The judge let me go and made me promise to wear clothes. Hawaii was very liberal and free then. It was one of the best years of my life.
Rachel Deines says:
Pamela, I am very fascinated by your story of being young, free and living in a cave on Maui years ago! I would love to hear your story more! Could I get in touch with you??
Sidney says:
I did too…winter of 73-74. Solo man Lee was the Maui Vice Captain. We had a parachute tent hooked to a tree and spent several months in paradise right there.
frank says:
Last week in March…Have visited this beach a couple of times in the last few weeks. Last week, I was tanning at the beach when all of a sudden a woman starting screaming for help while in the ocean and not too far out. A bunch of guys nearby came to her assistance and pulled a guy up to the beach and started performing CPR. After a while Fire rescue personnel were summoned and showed up, along with police, to try and revive this man. Unfortunately for this man, he passed away right there at the beach. It turned out that his neck was broken from being hit by a wave.
Never saw anything in the news about this man dying at Little Beach from breaking his neck from being hit by the waves. It should have been reported to let the visitors know just how serious it can get by being hit by the waves.
Reggie says:
It’s far more likely that he dove head-first into the water and hit his head on a sand bar. I did that once on the Big Island, and almost broke my neck, too. I ran and dove to get under a wave, and the sand bar was just a foot below the surface. Since then, I only dive into water that I’ve already explored for depth.
Christopher Davis says:
While we were on big beach the life guard come on a speaker and said this isn’t a beginner beach and people’s back has been broken.
Brian Kirkham says:
Just read this. I work for a Canadian airline and he is well-known to us, as he was a very-respected senior pilot for our airline. I’m happy to report he survived this tragic ‘accident’ (you’re correct – he was caught by a wave and broke his 4th vertebrae when the wave drove him into the sand), but is a quadriplegic.
He was rehabilitated from his injury over many months, and is living a vigorous life back home in Canada, though, obviously,theur lives have been dramstically changed.
He is a remarkable individual and has become a spokesman and advocate for people with disabilities and is living his life as fully as he is capable.
He returned to Makena Beach with his family earlier this year to meet and thank the life guards who literally saved his life.
BP says:
We went 1/2016 Had a terrific time! Yes still VERY MUCH a nudist paradise and definitely full Monty. Current ratio was about40/60 40 nude 60 clothed. It is a very long walk from the car, Bring appropriate supplies for the amount of time you plan to spend. Very limited shade, and no bathroom areas anywhere near (over hill at Big Beach). The hike is only difficult After Dark, if you plan to stay that late bring a pen light for the rocks you have to climb through. Sunday is the best day to go for the entertainment (meaning of course the drum circle) it is much cooler than other posts seem to make it. There are several people doing fire juggling at night and makes for an unforgettable experience. Do not go if you do not plan on getting naked, there are a lot of gawkers (groups that are clothed there only to say they went to a nude beach). There are a ton of other beaches you can go, to just lay out in a suit and get some sun. It is hard enough to find an area where it is acceptable still. It would be nice if all attenders were actually there to practice this freedom, and help to make it more acceptable.
Not to mention some of the more shy in the group, were made more self conscious by the others “just watching”. So it took them almost an hour before they finally went just topless, when in other areas, I have seen them strip down fully in seconds where there are no “gawkers”. Just so the inexperienced know, there are all shapes, sizes, colors, hairy, trimmed, and bald in attendance.
So do not be shy, it’s not a competition, or any judgment. It is the ability to practice a freedom that is repressed in most all other areas. You will be surprised how free it will make you feel, and more welcome in the community.
Have a Beautiful Day, and Enjoy The sun while we have it.
Brandon says:
Thank you BP!!!
B says:
Your very welcome, We are going back this March.
I will update the post again…
The More Complex The Mind, The greater the need for the simplicity of play (A. Einstein)
Brent says:
Brandon, if there is no judgement, why did you feel it was necessary to describe the personal choices nudists opted for their body hair? Having been to little beach many times for decades , gawkers were always going to find L.B. Now your description will encourage more to come for the variety you point out. True nudists don’t CARE about gawkers, thinking of them like sand flies: just an annoyance. Gawkers are everywhere there is an opportunity to see flesh, even at Haulover in Miami, Fl area. Accept that gawkers, usually males, will always go for a look.
Greg says:
Well said.
Ken says:
Uhm, perhaps to make the inexperienced person comfortable no matter what they look like “down there!”
Janice says:
People need to understand: taking photos at a nude beach and having CELL PHONES and CAMERAS out is a major VIBE KILL. It’s like some people dont get how weird that is.
I’ve even seen people with their full time Instagram photographer there and with big zoom lenses. It’s super duper weird but more than that it’s a real vibe killer. It’s like 50 years ago you’d get people leaving trash at cool places like this, now they’re polluting places and ruining them in a different way. Keep this place beautiful people and don’t ruin the vibe just so you can post a dumb Instagram post.
The nature of the art form many of the drummers and dancers are doing is in its essence being very present and being in the moment. Anything that takes away from that essence is not very aloha.
George says:
l totally agree! Little Beach is a magic destintation. I love to go there to be alone and to wach the surf.
Craig Fisher says:
Had a great time at Little Beach on 6/18/2015. Lots of people enjoying the freedom of sans clothing. It is a wonderful place to get in contact with Mother Nature and beautiful people. I would advise anyone that wants to be uninhibited to go spend some relaxing time there.
The one warning I will give you is there is a very limited amount of shade on or around the beach that you can sit or lay comfortably. My advice is to take an umbrella and a portable lounger in with you as well as a lot of cold beverages in with you if you plan on spending much time there.
Rubed says:
Will agree with you, there is very little shade, so get there early if you want some, which you probably do.
Rick James says:
When considering the law about nudity, you must include court decisions. The court decisions reflect the actual enforceable law. The Hawaiian Supreme Court decided on a case in Oahu, Polo Beach, involving beach nudity. The Supreme Court ruled in the nudists favor. Simple nudity does not cause an “affront” to someone else and especially if they are also a nudist. The Supreme Court decision affects all Hawaiian Islands. So, technically under the prescribed Court decision, nudity is legal. If interested, you can find out more about the case by doing an Internet search.
Nat says:
There were plenty of people there today in the nude. No cops. No issues. We were shocked at first, but later learned from the hotel that it’s the norm.
Cory Bosse says:
Just thought I’d give you a little update about Little Beach, since I got the information of it from your page. I went there tonight and when I came out there was a cop keeping out angry native Hawaiians who wanted to come in and cause problems due to the fact that it was apparently an ancient sacred burial ground which has since been desecrated. I’m not sure how things will go down, but it may be worth mentioning that Little Beach could be an unsafe place to be in the coming months.
Hope that is helpful! Thank you!